
Hi C3P, you’ve arrived at the place for submitting your news items to our website. Please fill out the form below to submit your post.

Just a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use the post entry to introduce your news item and give a brief overview. Feel free to use any existing overview or abstract that has already been written to minimise work for yourself, and keep things to less than 500 words.
  • If possible, include a link for us to follow so we can easily go see what you have been up to.
  • Make sure to include an image related to your work. This improves the overall look of our online presence and helps with engagement.
  • Your image should be in .jpeg, .png or .gif format and at least 400px wide.

Your post will not appear immediately on the website – I will be approving everything before it goes up (just for spam purposes).

– Travis


Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload.